2023 FAI Young Artists Contest theme: “Air Sports and the Environment”

Please note the Aero Club of Canada needs to receive all submissions by December 31, 2022. This will allow the ACC enough time to judge them at the national level if there are more than three in each category entered and to mail the finalists’ art to Switzerland for the FAI deadline. Our package will be sent to the FAI in March to ensure it is received in time with no issues. Please submit your artwork by the due date to us if interested. We would love to see it.

Lausanne, Switzerland – The FAI is calling upon youngsters to consider the theme of “Air Sports and the Environment” for the 2023 Young Artists Contest, asking them to express how they envisage the role of aviation in protecting our planet.

The competition is open to youngsters between the ages of six and 17, with FAI gold, silver and bronze medals and diplomas presented to the top three artists in each of the three categories which are as follows:

Group I – Junior Category (ages 6-9)
Group II – Intermediate Category (ages 10-13)
Group III – Senior Category (ages 13-17)

Each year young artists enter a national competition organised by the FAI Members. Winners from these contests are submitted to the final round of judging by FAI.

Theme 2023 FAI Young Artists Contest: ‘Air Sports and the Environment’

The sense of liberty that pilots and air sports athletes feel when flying through the skies often comes hand-in-hand with a deep appreciation of the blue and green planet below. The beauty and fragility of our earth is simply more evident when viewed from above.

Aviation has always been at the forefront of technology and over the generations, those involved in aeronautics have felt an ever-increasing pressure to protect our planet. Aviators, now and in the future, have a responsibility to push forward the limits of human innovation and imagination to harness cleaner energy and minimise the impact of air sports on the earth and its atmosphere.

By letting your imagination fly, we want you, as a young artist, to explore the ways that air sports can interact harmoniously with our environment. Ask yourself, how can air sports help inspire others to protect our earth? Can you envisage how innovation and technology can use greener fuels to power aircraft? Can the natural wonders of the earth inspire the aviation of the future? How could aviation be involved in reducing, reusing and recycling?

Artists often take the lead in imagining a brighter future. It’s time to take your favourite art materials and try to conjure up a vision of how air sports of the future can help to keep our planet safe for the generations to come. 

Website: www.fai.org/fai-young-artists-contest 
Rules: www.fai.org/yac-contest-rules
Theme: www.fai.org/yac-contest-theme
FAI logo: bit.ly/FAI_logo
FAI media corner: www.fai.org/media

Faustine Carrera
Communication Manager
[email protected]

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